Hardware Update Logs
Wireless Stick Lite Hardware Update Logs
First release
2017-6-1 public sale
Schematic diagram of V1
The schematic diagram of Wireless Stick Lite is restricted technical data,it will become downloadable after purchase.Please read this document:Get Limited Technical Resources .
2022-09-15 public sale
MCU is changed from ESP32-PICO-V3 to ESP32-S3FN8. Specific differences of MCU are shown in:https://products.espressif.com/#/product-comparison.
USB interface changed from Micro USB to Type-C.
LoRa chip changed from SX1276 to SX1262.
The LoRa crystal oscillator is upgraded to temperature compensated crystal oscillator.
The size, appearance, pin layout and power pins remain unchanged, but the GPIO sequence has changed. Please refer to Pinout diagram.