Getting Started


This article describes how to deploy HRI-3633 quickly.

Power on

Unscrew the nuts on the flange seat and the screws on both sides of the cover in turn as shown in the figure.

Turn the switch to ON, and the green light flashes once, At this point, the device enters the working state.


Turn the switch to ON, and the green light flashes once. At this time, the device enters the working mode. Long press the User key, the red light is always on, then enter the configuration mode.


The device will automatically restart after 10 minutes in configuration mode.

In configuration mode, the mobile phone or PC is used to find the WiFi of the device and connect it.

Type in your browser, and press Enter to take you to the configuration page.

The configuration parameters are defined as follows:

LoRaWAN Parameters

OTAA Mode:

  • Dev-Time Equipment time setting and calibration

  • REGION LoRaWAN frequency band

  • CLASS LoRaWAN operation mode, Class A or Class C

  • OTAA/ABP LoRaWAN communication mode

  • ADR Data rate adaptation

  • DR Data rate, can be adjusted when the ADR option is turned off

  • CONFIRM Uplink receipt confirmed

  • DEVEUI APPEUI APPKEY OTAA node parameters, must be consistent across the server

  • Channel LoRaWAN channel, different channels should be separated by Spaces, such as “0-7 13 16-23”

  • Interval(S) Period of transition

  • RetryLoRaWAN Class A, Class C

  • Product Product model

  • Firmware Firmware version

  • Battery Battery level (percentage)

  • Charge Charging state

  • Pulse Pulse count on or off

  • Counter Pulse count

  • Submit Click Submit after the configuration is complete

  • Firmware Update Used for OTA firmware upgrade

ABP mode – Most are the same as above, but the differences are listed below:

  • NWKSKEY APPSKEY DEVADDR ABP node parameters, must be consistent across the server

  • RX1 DELAY(S) Set the time for RX1 to be delayed on

  • RX2 DR type Data rate, you can choose the default or set your own

  • RX2 DR Can be set when the DR type is custom

  • RX2 Freq type RX2 Frequency band, you can choose the default or set your own

  • RX2 Freq Can be set when the Freq type is custom


The uplink port is fixed as port 2.

Valve Control Parameters

  • Pulse width The pulse time required to activate the controller

  • Enable Run a control option

  • Valve Valve number, one or two can be selected

  • Action The valve controller performs the operation, opening or closing

  • Time Set the time to execute the control

  • Repeat Execute the control loop, which you can choose to do some few days or everyday a week or just once

After the configuration is completed, press the button Reset, The green light flashes once, indicating that the device enters the working mode. Cover the device.

Connecting Valves

After the configuration is complete, connect the device with the valve. Connect the positive end of the valve to pin A and the negative end to pin B, there are two sets of pins ‘0’ and ‘1’ for use here.

To read an electrical Pulse, connect the positive electrode of the reading object to the Pulse pin and the negative electrode to the GND.


Note, please connect the adapter and valve cable first to avoid damage to the equipment.


If you need to use the HRI-3633 to power your valves and need a different version of firmware, you can get it from Heltec staff. At the same time, this version has only one set of valve control pins.

External Power Supply and Charging

HRI-3633 has integrated 4X2000mAh battery, and you can also use external DC power (7~24V), or solar panels to power the device, both of which can charge the device.


Note, please connect the adapter and valve cable first to avoid damage to the equipment.

You can refer to the pin definition below to connect the device.


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